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Applications for the 2024 GM Financial Parade of Lights are now open!
Join us for our 2024 Parade – applications are now active – please Click Here to go directly to our online application form. Please check out our Parade Policies before applying to the Parade of Lights.
The parade consists of a one-mile parade route with colorful illuminated floats, beautiful antique cars, marching bands, equestrian units, horse-drawn carriages and a cast of delightful characters dressed in their holiday best. The unforgettable parade and an annual visit from Santa Claus and his elves will make the Parade of Lights a fun-filled holiday experience for the entire family.
There is no cost to apply; however, entries accepted for participation will be required to pay an participation fee based on the following:
- Commercial (businesses and for-profit companies) – $1050
- Non-Commercial – $195
- Non-Profit (must prove non-profit status and may not “sell” status to a for-profit organization) – $85
- NOTE: Fees MUST be paid and an Indemnification Form completed by the deadline provided on the application or the entrant will forfeit placement in the parade. Fees are not due until AFTER your application has been accepted by the Parade Committee
FLOATS – generally considered to be wheeled decks or trailers with decorations and lighting, needing propulsion
- Towed;
- Pushed;
- Self-propelled.
- Classic/Antique Car Clubs (25 years of age at the time of entry) – Clubs only! No more than 6 cars/units per entry, maximum of 2 entries per club;
- Contemporary Car Club. No more than 6 cars/units per entry, maximum of 2 entries per club;
- Antique vehicle (25 years of age at the time of entry) – This may be a truck (except firetrucks), car, bus, etc. Only one vehicle allowed per entry, and only two entries per organization;
- Antique Firetruck (25 years of age at the time of entry) – Only one vehicle allowed per entry, and only one entry per organization;
- Motorcycle – No more than 6 units per entry, maximum of two entries per club;
- Golf cart, go-cart, mini-cart or other small ATV-type vehicle – No more than 6 carts/units per entry, maximum of two entries per club
- At no time shall additional units join a club entry without having been registered in advance.
- School or Professional Marching Bands with or without Drill and Flag Teams
- Drum and Bugle Corps
MUSICAL GROUPS, DRUM CORPS (other than marching bands, with music produced by participants)
- Pipe and Drum Corps;
- Marching Musical Performance Groups not classified as a Marching Band or Drum/Bugle Corps
- Drill Teams or Dance Teams with recorded accompaniment;
- Bicycle or Unicycle Units;
- Walking or people-powered sculptural elements including masks, sculptures or inflatables
- Pulled wagons, stagecoaches or any elements requiring stock to pull or push;
- Horse clubs;
- Single riders;
- NOTE: Equestrian Units are limited to no more than 6 animals per entry, plus coach or wagon per entry, and no more than two entries per organization.
- Animals and riders must have demonstrated parade participation credentials, i.e., they have had experience actually riding in a parade event.
- Any entry that does not fit in any other category. Divided into commercial and non-commercial entries with awards in each category.
DIGNITARIES: (Not for judging)
- This category includes elected officials, sponsors of the Parade, Grand Marshal, and invited dignitaries.
Please review our Parade Policies prior to applying as you will be responsible for all information contained therein. We need YOU to be a part of our spectacular 2024 celebration!